Standifer Gap SDA School

Large enough for excellence. Small enough to care.


Standifer Gap Seventh-day Adventist School is a nonprofit institution that relies on regular tuition payments and financial support from the Standifer Gap SDA Church to cover its operational expenses. Prompt payments are important and welcomed so that the costs of education can be kept as low as possible.


Pay Tuition Online!


Tuition is payable over 10-months from August through May. The 1st payment is due at registration. The remaining 9 payments must be received at the school office by the 15th of each month, starting September 15, 2024 and ending May 15, 2025. A monthly tuition bill will be sent to each family around the 25th of each month. Failure to receive a monthly statement does not negate parents’ responsibility for payment. It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the school about change of address, e-mail, telephone or church membership.


2024-2025 School Year Tuition

  Constituent Non-Constituent
Annual $5,250 $6,500
Per Month (10 Months) $525 $650


Assistance from Churches/Organizations: From time to time, churches or organizations provide assistance to their members whose children attend Standifer Gap School. If this is your situation, please contact your church/organization in regard to financial support. At registration, provide written communication from your church or organization outlining how much support they are committing to provide and on what schedule.

Non-Refundable Pre-Registration Fee: A non-refundable pre- registration fee is required: $50 if paid by April 30, 2025, or $100 if paid after this date. This will hold your child’s place for the next school year. For students who have pre-registered and paid by April 30, a $50 discount will be granted for the registration fee.


Non-Refundable Registration Fee: The registration fee of $440.00 is due by July 15. This fee includes the cost of student accident insurance, textbooks, yearbook, library fees, and administrative expenses. For students who have pre-registered, the pre-registration fee will be deducted from the registration fee.

Early Payment: A discount of $10 per family per month is given if tuition is paid on or before the 6th of the month. For tuition paid in full for the semester there will be an additional $50 discount, or in full for the year, an additional $150 discount per student. 


Multi-Family Discounts: We provide a tuition discount for families with more than one student attending. The discount is as follows:

Number of Children Monthly Discount
2 children $20/month per child
3 children $40/month per child
4+ children $60/month per child



Apply/Register/Enroll Online!